
Welcome to mistermiceguy

Hello, fellow explorers! I’m the founder of MisterMiceGuy, a unique fusion of behavioral science and exotic animal breeding inspired by the tradition of using animals like mice and rats in psychological research. As a behavioral science educator and exotic animal breeder, I’m passionate about uncovering the mysteries of both human and animal behavior & cognition. My work at MisterMiceGuy extends beyond breeding fancy mice to include invertebrates and reptiles, providing a glimpse into the behavioral intricacies of these fascinating creatures. Each one tells a story, enriching our understanding of the natural world.

My Mission

My mission extends beyond the passion for breeding and understanding the behavior of invertebrates and reptiles. A significant part of my journey is dedicated to raising funds to support not only the sustainable and ethical breeding of exotic animals but also the advancement of education in behavioral science. The proceeds from MisterMiceGuy help cover the essential costs of caring for and breeding these extraordinary creatures, ensuring their well-being and the continuation of our shared learning journey.

Furthermore, education is at the core of what I do. I am committed to enhancing the learning experience for students and enthusiasts alike by providing innovative teaching supplies. This includes goggles for sensory manipulation experiments that offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of sensory perception, and spikerboxes for hands-on neuroscience experiments that unravel the mysteries of the nervous system. These tools are invaluable for bringing the theoretical aspects of behavioral science to life, offering practical, engaging, and illuminative experiences.

By supporting MisterMiceGuy, you’re not just embracing the beauty and mystery of exotic animals; you’re also contributing to a larger mission of education and discovery. Together, we can foster a deeper understanding of the natural world and inspire the next generation of scientists and animal enthusiasts.

About Me

As the heart and mind behind MisterMiceGuy, I stand at the crossroads of behavioral science and exotic animal breeding. My journey began with a fascination for the natural world and a deep desire to understand the “why” behind animal behavior. This path led me to become a behavioral science educator, where I discovered the joy of breeding and studying mice, insects, reptiles, and more. Today, I am thrilled to share my passion with you, offering insights into the behavioral world of these amazing creatures and bringing the beauty of invertebrate and reptile breeding to the forefront of exotic animal expos. Join me in this exciting venture, where every creature tells a story of evolution, behavior, and the sheer wonder of life.